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Q: What is an easy way to explain am and pm?
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An easy way to explain the concept of syllables to a child is to break down the syllables in the actual word with claps or drum beats. In this way, the child learns that they can identify syllables by counting the beats.

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An easy way to explain how mountains are formed is through geological activities. Most mountains are formed as a result of volcanic eruptions while others are formed through erosion and other activities.

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The Internet is an easy way to view digital media and just as easy to distribute the media (if that's what you were asking)

When is PM used and pm used?

It can be written either way.

Which is the correct way to write this phrase PM Role. or PM Role.?

The correct way to write the phrase is "PM role." with a period after "PM" as it is an abbreviation for Project Manager.

Which is correct - an easy way or a easy way?

AN easy way

Is the proper way to write AM and PM with a period or not?

PM or p.m. same fro AM or a.m

What is the correct way to write 12.00 noon?

The correct way to write 12:00 noon is "12:00 PM."

Explain in a easy way whats an adjective?

An Adjective is a word that describes a Noun. (That's the simplest definition of Adjective that you'll be able to find.)

What is military time?

Time based on the 24 hour day. Instead of AM and PM, time is stated as 0800 for 8 AM, 1300 for 1 PM, 1900 for 7 PM, etc., and 2359 for 1 minute before midnight. If the clock says it is 3:00 pm in our time, in military time it would be 1500 hours, spoken "fifteen hundred hours." 9:00 AM = 0900 hours 1:00 PM = 1300 hours 9:00 PM = 2100 hours ***An easy way to remember: IF IT'S PM, JUST ADD 12.

What is the proper way to write AM and PM with a period or not?

PM or p.m. same fro AM or a.m