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Q: What is an empty space or interval in a set of data called?
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Can you recycle or write over old data on a hard disc?

The short answer is a 'yes' - when a file is deleted from a hard-drive, the data is still there, only the path is removed. The computer assumes that the space is now empty, so can write over the supposed empty space.

What is the data that is comprised of numerical values?

interval data

What does interval data mean?

Interval data is a type of quantitative data where the difference between two values is meaningful and consistent. It has a fixed unit of measurement and a true zero point. Examples of interval data include temperature in Celsius and time.

How do you do modal interval in maths?

write an interval and a scale for the data set 55,30,78,98,7, and 45

Space for data in a table such as a spreadsheet called?

A cell.

Can blood pressure be interval data?


What is a reasonable interval?

Look at the data and see what is the average difference between the numbers. That is the reasonable interval.

Which interval contains the fewest data values?

Which contains the fewest data values

What does a confidence interval for a population mean constructed from sample data show?

A confidence interval of x% is an interval such that there is an x% probability that the true population mean lies within the interval.

What is the convenient scale and interval to use for graphing each set of data set?

What is the convenient scale and interval to use for graphing each set of data set?

How do you find the interval for a set of data?

You find the the smallest and largest values. The interval is the largest minus the smallest.