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Something that illustrates or explains what something else is or does.

An example is a term used to describe something relative to something else. If I try to tell you what a software is or any such term and you are not able to understand it, then I may take the use of an 'example' to explain to you what it is.

You may have seen people saying " For example" where they are really trying to explain something by relating it to something else. Say you don't get a mathematical problem, then a person may use an 'example' to try to explain it in a way you will understand.

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9y ago

An example represents something else, often ordinary things, but it can be a concept or an indistinct category. Nearly every subject can have "an example", for examples (given after each category):

  • vegetables - carrots, corn, peas, green beans
  • peas - baby peas, sweet peas
  • milk - whole milk, 2%, skim, buttermilk
  • books - fiction, non-fiction, textbooks
  • air cooling equipment - box fan, ceiling fan, air conditioner, whole house air conditioning
  • bottle, of - beer, soda pop, medication
  • Appliances - stove, refrigerator
  • Electronics - television, Game Console, computer
  • Lamps or Lights - overhead; table lamps; vehicle headlights; flashlight (torch)
  • Computer File Types - jpg, png; doc; doxx, txt
  • Computers - IBM; Tosiba

Examples can be about human behavior or interactions:

  1. I get scared, for example, when you raise your voice.
  2. I like calm people, for example, my math teacher.
  3. An example of someone I admire is my dad because he's always kind.
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Miel Badion

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