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Numbers. Quantitative observance? This car travels at # miles per hour.

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Q: What is an example of Quantitative?
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Show example of quantitative data?

An example of quantitative data would be the number of people born in 1 hour.

Give an example of quantitative data?

Quantitative data deals with numbers. It is data that can be measured. An example of this is: 51% of the world's population is female.

What is an example of continuous quantitative variable?


Example of quantitative observation?

An example of a quantitative observation is measuring the temperature of a substance using a thermometer and finding it to be 25 degrees Celsius.

What is a Quantitative Observation with five example?

The word "quantitative" is from the root word quantity. So, a quantitative observation is one that can be quantified or counted. Any time you count or physically measure something, it is a quantitative observation. Since it is your homework you should come up with your own examples :)

What is the quantitative statement?

Quantitative means having numbers and measurements. qualitatitive does not. Qualitative Example: mix hydrogen and oxygen and you get water. Quantitative Example: mix two moles of Hydrogen and one mole of Oxygen to get one mole of water.

Example of quantitative?

The opposite is a quantitative observation, such as the weight or length of an object. Quantitative observations have numbers, such as 3 pounds or 5 meters. You would be quantifying or measuring a thing.

Is human height an example of quantitative variation?


What is an example of a quantitative property of matter?

anything that can be mesured

Give an example of a quantitative variable?

Shoe SizeHeightWeightAge

What is example of quantitative observation?

Quantitative observations involve numbers. An example would be the volume of 0.1M HCl needed to neutralise 25 ml of sodium hydroxide solution.

What does quantitative observation mean?

Quantitative observation means that your description of what you observedincludes a definite number that you measured.For example:"I saw a really big guy." is not a quantitative observation."I saw a guy who is 8 feet tall." is a quantitative observation.