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Asking about the shopping behaviour to people in a mall.

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Q: What is an example of a biased survey?
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What is an example of a biased sample?

In math, a biased example could be when, someone asks only males to answer "do you like this product." its when the people chosen to answer the survey/sample is not random

What is the difference between a biased and unbiased sample?

Biased- (Not random) Unbiased-(Random) Example: (ubbiased) Woman takes random people to take a survey.

Why can biased sample can give misleading result?

An example of bias: Taking a survey about who likes music and who does not, while standing by the door of a CD store. This is biased because if you are by a music store, most of the people there that you survey will like music. The results will not be completely random, so they will not accurately show what that percentage of the population really thinks about music.

What is an example of the survey method used in psychology?

what is an example of the survey method

Can you use twitter to survey a group?

Yes, but it's better to use an actually Survey too.

What would cause interview-induced biased in a survey on student drug use?

All of the interviewers are policemen

How could a survey be dangerous?

A survey can be dangerous if it collects sensitive or personal information that is not properly safeguarded, leading to potential privacy breaches or identity theft. Additionally, biased or leading survey questions can manipulate respondents' opinions and influence their decisions, leading to inaccurate or misleading results.

What is bias in sampling?

a person taking a survey to find the percent of sport fans who chose baseball as their favorite sport might get a biased sample

What is on a survey?

You can have anything on a survey, like questions that people can answer. Here is an example of a survey done with a couple of people:

What makes a survey bias?

A survey is biased when the questions are framed in a way that influences respondents to answer in a certain way or when the sample population is not representative of the target population, leading to results that do not accurately reflect the true opinions or characteristics of the group being surveyed.

What are the methods of sampling?

systematic- a member of the population is selected at random convenience- the most-available members of the population are chosen self-selected- members of the population volunteer to respond to a survey. Note: Biased questions- Example what about a new subway 85%yes,15%no. This question is biased because only people who ride the subway would say yes. -information provided by HOLT

Mr. Golden surveyed people leaving a fitness center to determine American attitudes toward exercise. Give the best explanation for why the results of this survey might NOT be valid?

The survey is biased because the sample consisted only of people who already exercise.