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Q: What is an example of a mathematical system?
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What is model mathematically?

Creating an abstract system of equations which describes (and helps reasoning about) a real life system.

What is the metric system based on mathematically?

The metric system, in mathematical terms, is a base 10 system. This means that the prefixes of the units change the value of the units by factors of 10. For example: 1 centimeter = 10 millimeters.

What is a real world example of a math base?

In Math, a base is the number of numbers used to describe the mathematical system. For example, a base 2 system is called binary and uses 0 and 1; a base 10 system is a decimal system, and uses the current standard of ten numbers ranged from 0 to 10.

Which component performs mathematical calculations and coordinates the computer system?

Which of the following performs mathematical calculations

Uses of decimal system?

Mathematical calculations.

How do you use the word mathematical model in a sentence?

A mathematical model is a description of a scientific system using math.The scientists created a mathematical model to explain the process.We studied the mathematical model.

What does axiom means?

An axiom is a basic mathematical truth used in proofs, outlined initially by Euclid. Axioms are self-evident and do not need to be proven, they can be combined and used logically to prove more complex mathematical concepts, especially in geometry. Example: "The shortest distance between two points is a straight line."

is mathematical equation a example of science model?


Why a tool for a mathematical ideas is not ready an example of the ideas?

There are many mathematical tools. Arithmetical computation is one that is used daily.

Can you give me an example of a mathematical prayer?

The Lord's Prayer is one.

What is the mathematical equation for man?

Man can not be summed up in a mathematical equation. I'd be suspicious of any system that made that claim.