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a pattern is a pattern guys come on u shoul know that is really very esay i want tell you the answerthink by your self

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Q: What is an example of a recursive pattern that has 2 and 9 as the first two terms?
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Are all patterns recursive?

No, patterns with terms that are not based upon previous terms are not recursive. Example: i * i where i is the nth term of the pattern.

Why is Fibonacci recursive?

Each term, except the first two, in the Fibonacci sequence is defined in terms of terms that went earlier in the sequence. That is the meaning of "recursive". t(1) = 1 t(2) = 1 t(n+2) = t(n) + t(n+1) for n = 1, 2, 3, ...

What describes a recursive sequence A a sequence that has a common difference between terms B a sequence that has a common ratio between terms C a sequence relating a term to one?

A: Un+1 = Un + d is recursive with common difference d.B: Un+1 = Un * r is recursive with common ratio r.C: The definition seems incomplete.A: Un+1 = Un + d is recursive with common difference d.B: Un+1 = Un * r is recursive with common ratio r.C: The definition seems incomplete.A: Un+1 = Un + d is recursive with common difference d.B: Un+1 = Un * r is recursive with common ratio r.C: The definition seems incomplete.A: Un+1 = Un + d is recursive with common difference d.B: Un+1 = Un * r is recursive with common ratio r.C: The definition seems incomplete.

How many recursive patterns can you find with 4 plus 7 as the first 2 terms?

Infinitely many. For example: Un+1 = Un + 3 or Un+1 = 2*Un - 1 or Un+1 = 3*Un - 5 or, more generally, Un+1 = k*Un + 7 - 4*k where k is any number. Each one of them will be different from the third term onwards. These are linear patterns. There are quadratic and other recursive relationships.

What are the first four terms in the multiplication pattern given by the formula 2x4n?

im a biginner

Related questions

Are all patterns recursive?

No, patterns with terms that are not based upon previous terms are not recursive. Example: i * i where i is the nth term of the pattern.

What is a recursive rule?

It is a term for sequences in which a finite number of terms are defined explicitly and then all subsequent terms are defined by the preceding terms. The best known example is probably the Fibonacci sequence in which the first two terms are defined explicitly and after that the definition is recursive: x1 = 1 x2 = 1 xn = xn-1 + xn-2 for n = 3, 4, ...

Why is Fibonacci recursive?

Each term, except the first two, in the Fibonacci sequence is defined in terms of terms that went earlier in the sequence. That is the meaning of "recursive". t(1) = 1 t(2) = 1 t(n+2) = t(n) + t(n+1) for n = 1, 2, 3, ...

What is the difference between an explicit rule and a recursive rule?

An explicit rule defines the terms of a sequence in terms of some independent parameter. A recursive rule defines them in relation to values of the variable at some earlier stage(s) in the sequence.

Can you have the program in C plus plus for recursive function generating a series of terms?

Yes, this can be done. For example for Fibonacci series. You will find plenty of examples if you google for the types of series you need to be generated.

What is base case?

A base case is the part of a recursive definition or algorithm which is not defined in terms of itself.

What is a base case?

A base case is the part of a recursive definition or algorithm which is not defined in terms of itself.

What is recursive call in terms of algorithm?

A recursive call in an algorithm is when a function (that implements this algorithm) calls itself. For example, Quicksort is a popular algorithm that is recursive. The recursive call is seen in the last line of the pseudocode, where the quicksort function calls itself. function quicksort('array') create empty lists 'less' and 'greater' if length('array') ≤ 1 return 'array' // an array of zero or one elements is already sorted select and remove a pivot value 'pivot' from 'array' for each 'x' in 'array' if 'x' ≤ 'pivot' then append 'x' to 'less' else append 'x' to 'greater' return concatenate(quicksort('less'), 'pivot', quicksort('greater'))

What describes a recursive sequence A a sequence that has a common difference between terms B a sequence that has a common ratio between terms C a sequence relating a term to one?

A: Un+1 = Un + d is recursive with common difference d.B: Un+1 = Un * r is recursive with common ratio r.C: The definition seems incomplete.A: Un+1 = Un + d is recursive with common difference d.B: Un+1 = Un * r is recursive with common ratio r.C: The definition seems incomplete.A: Un+1 = Un + d is recursive with common difference d.B: Un+1 = Un * r is recursive with common ratio r.C: The definition seems incomplete.A: Un+1 = Un + d is recursive with common difference d.B: Un+1 = Un * r is recursive with common ratio r.C: The definition seems incomplete.

How many recursive patterns can you find with 4 plus 7 as the first 2 terms?

Infinitely many. For example: Un+1 = Un + 3 or Un+1 = 2*Un - 1 or Un+1 = 3*Un - 5 or, more generally, Un+1 = k*Un + 7 - 4*k where k is any number. Each one of them will be different from the third term onwards. These are linear patterns. There are quadratic and other recursive relationships.

How many different recursive patterns can you find with 4 and 7 as the first 2 terms?

there are 4 different ways you can do it

What is the first four terms of this number pattern 2n 1?
