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Terminating decimal: 1.5 is exactly equal to 'one and one half'. It needs no more digits. Repeating decimal: 0.33333 is close to 'one third' but not equal. As more 3's are added on the end of it, it gets closer to 'one third'. By adding enough 3's you can get as close as you want to 'one third', but it can never be EXACTLY equal to one third.

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Q: What is an example of a terminating and repeating decimal?
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What is a example of a terminating and repeating decimal?

Okay. This If You Are Looking For A Example Of Terminating And Repeating Decimal You Came To The Right Place :] Example For Terminating Decimal 1/7= 0.142857 Example For Repeating Decimal 1/3= 0.33..

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No, the sum of a repeating decimal and a terminating decimal is never a terminating decimal.

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Previous Answer: Non terminating decimal - 1.66666666666666666..... Terminating decimal - 1.75 The first number is non-terminating but is NOT non-repeating. An example of a non-terminating non-repeating number would be Pi. It goes on forever and never repeats itself. 3.1415926535897932384626433832795...

Is 0.66 a terminating or repeating decimal?

It is terminating - after two decimal digits.

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What is the differencce between a terminating and a repeating decimal?

A terminating decimal is a decimal that ends. A repeating decimal is a decimal that goes on and on.

Is -0.061 a terminating or repeating decimal?

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Is 0.4 a repeating decimal or a terminating decimal?


Is 0.700 a repeating decimal or a terminating decimal?


Is a repeating or terminating decimal bigger?

Repeating decimal. * * * * * It depends on the numbers! For example, 0.6 < 0.66... < 0.67 By the first inequality the repeatiing decimal is bigger, by the second the terminating one is bigger.

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A terminating decimal is a rational number. A non-terminating, repeating decimal is a rational number. A non-terminating, non-repeating decimal is an irrational number.

Is 2.4545 a repeating decimal or a terminating decimal?

As shown, a terminating decimal.