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I guess it`s an Hypothesis, but I dont really know :P

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Q: What is an example of organizing data into a graph?
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When Constructing a graph is an example of?

organizing data

Constructing a graph is an example of?

organizing data.

What are the three useful tools for organizing data?

A table, a graph, and an equation.

Why are graphs important when organizing data?

A graph is a visual aid on which data may be seen and understood.

What is a way of organizing data that is used to show changed that occur in related variables?

A line graph.

A way of organizing data that is used to show changes that occur in related variables?

A line graph.

Which graph displays continuous data?

A histogram graph displays continuous data. The data is displayed in ordered columns. Example of data that can shown by a histogram graph is time, inches, and temperature.

What is descrete data?

it is the use of graphs for example bar graph and picto graph

What is the advantage of organizing data on a table?

You can retrieve information quickly, unlike a graph. It is also easier to compare, and to find the rate of change.

What is an example of data that could be displayed on a circle graph?

Parts of a whole.

What do you understand by organizing data?

putting data in a specific place/order is called organizing data.

The title of a graph describes the data being graphed?

The title of a graph should be an indication of the information that the graph is meant to convey. It may not be a direct description of the data but it should certainly be relevant to the data being used. For example, a graph showing number of residents against years might have a title of "Growth in the town". The title refers not to the data but to the information the graph is showing.