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Terms are in expressions that separate by plus or minus signs.

The answer is TERMS.

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Q: What is an expression that are set apart by plus or minus signs?
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A combination of terms separated by plus or minus signs is called?

An algebraic expression.

Does plus minus mean plus?

Same mathematical signs equal plus Different mathematical signs equal minus Plus Plus = Plus (+)(+) = + Minus Minus = Plus (-)(-) = + Plus Minus = Minus (+)(-) = - Minus Plus = Minus (-)(+) = - So the direct answer to your question would be: plus minus equals minus

When plus or minus signs seprate an algebraic experssion into parts each part is a?

Each part is then a term of the algebraic expression.

Why is minus into minus a plus?

Because both minus signs to be cut therefore minus * minus will be treated as plus numbers

Can a mathematical expression be shown as 4 plus 5 divided by 3 times 6 equals because a text book says an expression consists of one or more terms connected by plus and minus signs only?

This would be an expression if it didn't have an equals sign.

Do two plus signs make a minus?

In addition and subtraction, if the plus sign is larger than the minus sign, then it's a plus. For example: +10 minus -20 = -10 If the plus sign is smaller than the minus sign, the answer will be a minus. For example: -10 minus + 20 = -10 In multiplication, if you have 2 plus signs, the answer will be a plus sign. If you have 2 minus signs, the answer will be a plus sign then, too. But if you have a plus and a minus sign, then the answer will be a minus. For example: +5 x + 2 = +10 -5 x - 2 = +10 -5 x +2 = -10

Simplify this expression 13 plus minus 12 minus minus 5 equals?


What are the two signs of angle?

Plus and minus.

What is a plus times a plus?

A plus times a plus is still a plus. Below is the way I remembered it: If there is not a minus sign, it is plus (positive). If there is 1 minus sign, it is minus (negative). If there are 2 minus signs, it is plus (positive).

How do you simplify this expression 3 a plus b minus 3 a minus b?


What is the value expression of 60 minus 20 plus 70?

The value expression of 60 minus 20 plus 70 is equal to 110.

What is 8 4 9y 10-8x 12xy-3y?

It is an algebraic expression with its plus or minus signs missing