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the Independent variable is the variable that is not effected in any way by the dependent variable, where as the dependent variable is. for example, amount of water that has flown through a tap in a set number of seconds. the number of seconds is not effected in any way by the amount of water, as water flow has no effect on the passing of time. however, if water is coming out of the tap at 1liter per second, then the amount of time that has passed has a significant impact on the amount of water (after one second, 1 liter will be present, after 2 seconds 2liters etc.).

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Q: What is an independent variable dependent vairable?
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No, an independent variable does not change during an experiment. It is deliberately manipulated or controlled by the researcher to observe its effect on the dependent variable.

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The dependent variable is the factor being measured

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The independent variable is the variable that is altered by the scientist, and the dependent variable's value is dependent on the value of the independent variable.

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The dependent variable is dependent on the independent variable, so when the independent variable changes, so does the dependent variable.

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and independent variable is bigger than a dependent variable

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The independent variable of an experiment is the variable that you change, and the dependent variable is the result of the independent variable.

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The Independent variable is the one you control. The dependent variable is controlled by the Independent Variable.

Independent and dependent variable?

Math: Independent variable is what you change. Dependent variable is what you measure.

How does the independent variable affects the dependent?

the dependent variable changes based on the independent variable

What are the differences between independent and dependent variables?

Independent variables are controlled or manipulated by the researcher to determine their effect on the dependent variable. Dependent variables, on the other hand, are the outcome or response that is measured in an experiment. The independent variable causes a change in the dependent variable.

Manipulated independent variable?

The manipulated independent variable is the variable that the researcher intentionally changes or controls in an experiment to observe its effect on the dependent variable. This variable is manipulated by the researcher to determine the impact it has on the outcome of the study.