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HCl and Mg are two chemicals. There is no variable involved - independent or otherwise!

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Q: What is an independent variable in HCl and Mg?
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The variable which is deliberately changed in experiment?

The variable deliberately changed in an experiment is called the independent variable. This variable is manipulated by the researcher to observe its effects on the dependent variable, which is the outcome or response being measured. By controlling and changing the independent variable, researchers can determine its influence on the dependent variable.

Independent and independent variable in sentence?

Changes in the independent variable are independent of changes in any other variable,

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the dependent variable changes with the independent variable. the independent variable only changes when changed by the experimenter. Time is usually an independent variable.

What is the dependent and independent in a experiment?

The independent variable of an experiment is the variable that you change, and the dependent variable is the result of the independent variable.

Does the independent or dependent variable change?

The Independent variable is the one you control. The dependent variable is controlled by the Independent Variable.

Independent and dependent variable?

Math: Independent variable is what you change. Dependent variable is what you measure.

What is an independent variable in math?

An independent variable is a factor that doesn't rely on anything, unlike the dependent variable (which relies on the independent variable). The most common independent variable is time.

What is a Factor that is deliberately changed in a experiment?

the anwer is a variable( the thng that will change over time in the experiment