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It is a math thing

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Q: What is an interior angle of a rgular polygon in math?
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What does adjacent interior angles mean in math?

It means two angles inside a polygon that share a side.

An exterior angle of a triangle is 180 degrees.?

No.Take a look at this picture... exterior angle + the interior angle = 180 degrees180 - the interior angle = the exterior angle

What does interior angles mean in math?

its the inner angle of the object. DEGREES must be used

Math question looking for the shape pentagon?

A pentagon is any five sided polygon. Its interior angles will add up to 540degrees

Introduce pentagon in one paragraph in math?

A pentagon is a plane area which is enclosed by five straight lines. It is, therefore, a polygon. The sum of the five interior angles of a pentagon sum to 540 degrees and so, each interior angle of a regular pentagon measures 108 degrees. A pentagon has five diagonals. It can have none of five axes of symmetry.

What is the other math science word for a rectangle?

polygon polygon

What does verter mean in math?

Vertex means each angular point of a polygon, polyhedron, or other figure or a meeting point of two lines that form an angle.

How do you make a sentences with polygon?

When I was taking a test in math, I had to describe a polygon.

What is the sum of the angle measures of a Tetracontagon?

its simple....just use the sides of the polygon minus by 2 and multiply by 180 then you will get the correct answer....try it and you will get the answer.I got that from my math teacher :)

What kind of polygon in math has 7 sides?

A 7 sided polygon is an heptagon

What does quadrilaterals math in a math question?

A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides.

Is a irregular polygon in math?

Yes it is a term found in math and geometry.