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It is an expression and if it contains an equality sign then it is an equation.

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Q: What is an mathematical phrase involving constants variables and operation symbols?
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What mathematical expression consists of constants variables and operations?

It is a more complicated mathematical expression.

Must a term contain a varible?

No, a term can contain both variables and constants. A term is a single mathematical expression that can consist of variables, constants, or a combination of both.

What is a mathematical phrase that uses variables numbers and operation symbols?

An expression.

What is a mathematical phrase that contains operations numbers or variables?

Algebraic expressions is a mathematical phrase that contains operations numbers or variables.

What are constants and how are they are different from variables?

Variables change, constants do not.

Name a common Java library class that has public instance variables?

The Math class has public variables - defined as final, of course - for the mathematical constants PI and E.

What is a mathematical phrase that uses variables numerals and operation symbols?

An algebraic expression.

A mathematical phrase involving numbers and operations symbols but no variables?

(3+2) x 5

What is a mathematical phrase containing numbers and operation symbols?

Algebraic expressions is a mathematical phrase that contains operations numbers or variables.

Where are the constants located in math?

In mathematics, constants are fixed values that do not change. They can be located in various places, depending on the specific context. For example, in algebraic equations, constants are typically represented by specific letters or symbols and are found alongside variables. In geometric formulas, constants may be included as part of the formula itself. Constants can also be defined and used in mathematical functions, formulas, or mathematical theories.

What are constants and how they are different from variables?

Constants are fixed numbers that never change, they always stay the same. Variables are number that can change, they 'Vary'.

What variables that do not change?

The ones called constants.