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Q: What is an outcome is one that you are looking for when you conduct an experiment?
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How is an outcome different than a favorable outcome?

When the outcome consists of an event that is not the one you are looking for.

What is a n experiment in which all of the variables except for one remain the same?

I believe the term you are looking for would be a "controlled" experiment. This is the term used when an experiment is done, where one or set of circumstances (which it's outcome is not interfered with or influenced in any way) is cross-referenced with another group or set of circumstances that are "controlled", watched carefully and/or kept the same by the one doing the experiment.

How do i find the sum of outcomes in probability?

Select an experiment that has a random result rather than one that is deterministic. The result of the experiment is the outcome of the probabilistic experiment.

What happens when more than one variable changes during a scientific experiment?

The outcome of the experiment may not be linked to any one specific variable.

Which shows that the results of an experiment are reliable?

An experiment in which the results are repeatable....apex

What is the term for an experiment in which only one variable is changed at a time?

The term for an experiment in which only one variable is changed at a time is called a controlled experiment. This allows researchers to isolate the effect of that specific variable on the outcome of the experiment.

Why it important to follow experiment carefully?

It is important to follow an experiment carefully because one mess up and the whole experiment could go wrong or it might change the outcome.

What event fueled his desired to conduct one experiment to another?

his protection wasnt for an erection

What is a factor that does not change in a experiment?

A constant factor is one maintained unchanged throughout an experiment so that it does not affect the outcome. These are also referred to as controlled variables.

Why are experimental probabilities sometimes very different from theoretical probabilities?

A perfect example of how theories are tested ! Theory predicts the outcome of the experiment, and the purpose of the experiment is to test the theory. If the outcome of the experiment is appreciably different from the one predicted by the theory, (and if the experiment itself was valid), then the prediction is flawed, and the theory must be either tweaked or trashed.

How many variables are tested in a controlled experiment and why?

It depends on the experiment. Normally only one is tested at a time because they can affect the experiment. Variables are tested in a controlled experiment to see whether they affect the outcome and also how.

What type of experiment is one in which only one variable at a time is changed?

A single-variable experiment, also known as a one-factor experiment, is one in which only one variable is manipulated at a time while keeping all other variables constant. This allows researchers to isolate the effects of that specific variable on the outcome of the experiment.