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Q: What is another name for a denominator in a fraction?
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Is there such thing as a fraction with 100 as the denominator?

Any real number can be the denominator in a fraction. A fraction is a way of expressing one number (the numerator, the "top" number in a fraction) by another (the denominator, "bottom number.") So it is possible to have a denominator of 100.

How do you find a fraction with the same denominator?

Simply change the numerator and you will have another - different - fraction wit the same denominator.

What a product of the numerator of on fraction and the denominator of another fraction?

Near enough what you describe in the question - except that you say "on" instead of "one". It has no special name.

What is the bottom name of a fraction?


What is the name of the bottom fraction?


How do you name a fraction family?

look at the very first fraction and then read the denominator and right down the denominator

What is another name for numerator and denominator?

Another name for a denominator is a divisor.

Why in proper fraction the numerator is greater than denominator?

The best name for a fraction that has a numerator less than the denominator is common fraction. The name of a fraction with a number in the numerator greater than the denominator is improper fraction.

What is the name to the denominator of a fraction can NEVER be?

The name is zero.

What is the name for the bottom part of a fraction?

The denominator

What is the name for a fraction where the numerator is bigger than its denominator?

mixed fraction

What is the name of a fraction that has its numerator larger than its denominator?

improper fraction