Any real number can be the denominator in a fraction. A fraction is a way of expressing one number (the numerator, the "top" number in a fraction) by another (the denominator, "bottom number.") So it is possible to have a denominator of 100.
Simply change the numerator and you will have another - different - fraction wit the same denominator.
Near enough what you describe in the question - except that you say "on" instead of "one". It has no special name.
The denominator
An improper Fraction
Any real number can be the denominator in a fraction. A fraction is a way of expressing one number (the numerator, the "top" number in a fraction) by another (the denominator, "bottom number.") So it is possible to have a denominator of 100.
Simply change the numerator and you will have another - different - fraction wit the same denominator.
Near enough what you describe in the question - except that you say "on" instead of "one". It has no special name.
look at the very first fraction and then read the denominator and right down the denominator
Another name for a denominator is a divisor.
The best name for a fraction that has a numerator less than the denominator is common fraction. The name of a fraction with a number in the numerator greater than the denominator is improper fraction.
The name is zero.
The denominator
mixed fraction
improper fraction