One million, four hundred thousand
Ten hundred thousand, one kilo-thousand, one hundred deca-thousand, and one hundred hecto-hundred.
100 = 1021 million = 1061 thousand = 103100 million thousand = 1011 = 100,000,000,000Another name for this is "One hundred billion".
One billion would be the answer to that
1,000,000 is one million you have typed 1500000 which is one million, five hundred thousand - or to put it another way one and a half million.
One million, four hundred thousand
Ten hundred thousand, one kilo-thousand, one hundred deca-thousand, and one hundred hecto-hundred.
100 = 1021 million = 1061 thousand = 103100 million thousand = 1011 = 100,000,000,000Another name for this is "One hundred billion".
One billion would be the answer to that
A billion is a thousand million.
1,000,000 is one million you have typed 1500000 which is one million, five hundred thousand - or to put it another way one and a half million.
A thousand thousand million has 12 zeroes.
there are a thousand thousands in a million
Using the "short scale" number names (new name every thousand), "one thousand million years" is a "billion years", the metric equivalent being a "gigaannum" (1 Ga). (see link)
Twenty-eight million, one-hundred thousand.
A million thousand is 1 billion.