23 tens make two hundred thirty so the other name is two hundred thirty thousands.
The fathers is name is SEVENTY TWO THOUSAND since he is the head of that family.
A Quadrillion: 1,000,000,000,000,000
Twenty thousand, four.
In French, 1000 Lacs means a thousand lakes, and there is a region which has that name. Land of a thousand lakes.
A billion.
One billion.
23 tens make two hundred thirty so the other name is two hundred thirty thousands.
ten hundred, tenhund; milla; kilo
It is also known as the Land of a thousand hills.
One million, four hundred thousand
Ten hundred thousand, one kilo-thousand, one hundred deca-thousand, and one hundred hecto-hundred.
One hundred hundred, one deca-thousand, or one hecto-hundred.
four thousand and seven hundred and another way is: forty-seven hundred
37,000 is written thirty seven thousand. That's the only way I know for numbers to have names
A Thousand Times Repent Curses! Another Shape Shifting Wraith!
230 thousand