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Q: What is append mode and input mode in sequential file handling?
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How do you concatenate input files in C?

Copy one file, then append the other to the copy.

In gw basic what are the two types of file handling?

Sequential and random access.

What are file modes in c plus plus?

I guess you mean either input/output/inout/append or binary/text.

What is definition of file handling in c plus plus?

File is a place where information or data is stored. we make use of some of the file-handling functions in c like: fopen()-for opening a file. fclose()-to close a file. Every file being opened for any operations like: "r"- Read-Only mode. "w"-Write-only mode. "a"-append mode. "r+"-read+write mode. "w+"-write+read mode. "a+"-read+append mode. We should make use of FILE pointer ,in order to perform any such operations on the files. There are many input and output functions used along with files. fgetc() fgets() fscanf() fputc() fprintf() fputs() fseek() rewind() File handling is used to read or write a file without directly opening it.its contents are opened in another files by using above specified commands in c++ programming for file handling we have to use a header file but in c noheader file regarding to file handling is required

What type of file does the Append Mode work with?


What is difference between append mode and write mode?

Write mode over writes the existing file and if not present creates a new one. Append mode never over writes the existing file. Append mode opens the file and sets the file cursor to the end of the file so that any write operation can start from the very ending of that file. Hope I helped :)

How can you append the output of a command to a file?

Use the append I/O redirection operator: >> An example would be: echo "Put this at the end of the file" >> aFile Which takes the output of 'echo' and puts/appends it to the end of the file aFile.

What is the difference between the file maintenance and file organization?

file organization is of 3 types sequential,direct and indexed sequential where how data is accessed in eash file is decided where as file maintainence is

What are sequential access files?

The file(s) (data) which are accessed in a sequential or a orderly manner is called as a sequentially accessing a file.

What is append command in dbase?

The APPEND command in dBase is used to add a new record to a database table. It is similar to the SQL INSERT command and allows you to specify values for each field in the new record. The APPEND command is commonly used in dBase programming to insert data into a database table.

What is a indexed sequential file?

An indexed sequential file is a type of file organization where data records are stored sequentially in the order of key values. An index is maintained to help locate records quickly. This combination of sequential storage and indexing allows for efficient access to data in both sequential and random access patterns.

How do you open a file so that new data will be written to the end of the file's existing data?
