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Q: What is approximately humans percentage of energy stored in food useful to work convert to what percentage?
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Humans convert approximately of the energy stored in food to useful work?

Humans convert approximately 25% of the energy stored in food to useful work. The remaining energy is used for various bodily functions, heat production, and stored as fat for future use. The efficiency of energy conversion can vary based on factors such as individual metabolism and activity levels.

Humans cannot convert the Sun's energy into glucose for themselves because humans lack?

the necessary cellular structures and enzymes to directly convert solar energy into glucose through photosynthesis. Humans obtain glucose by ingesting plants or other organisms that can perform photosynthesis and convert solar energy into chemical energy.

How much oxygen percentage in inhaled air by human?

The percentage of oxygen in inhaled air by humans is approximately 21%. This oxygen is then absorbed by the lungs and transported by the blood to the cells where it is used for energy production in the body.

Will salt atoms be used to convert glucose to energy?

Humans convert glucose into energy. Salt is a substance to add taste to food

Do humans carry both cellular respiration and photosynthesis?

No, humans do not carry out photosynthesis. Instead, humans rely on cellular respiration to convert nutrients into energy. Photosynthesis is a process unique to plants, algae, and some bacteria, where they convert sunlight into energy.

Can a human convert chemical energy to mechanical energy?

Yes, humans can convert chemical energy to mechanical energy through processes like muscle contractions. When our muscles break down molecules such as glucose, the chemical energy stored in those molecules is converted into mechanical energy that powers movement.

What is energy for humans?

Energy for humans is derived from the food and drinks we consume, which our bodies then convert into usable energy through a process called metabolism. This energy is used by our bodies to carry out daily activities, such as breathing, circulating blood, and moving muscles.

What is the probability that an offspring will be male?

For humans, approximately 0.52For humans, approximately 0.52For humans, approximately 0.52For humans, approximately 0.52

Where do chicken get energy?

Chickens get their energy the as other animals, including humans, do - by ingesting food which their bodies convert into fuel to keep them functioning.

What percentage of earth history has humans existed?

Humans have existed for only about 0.2% of Earth's history, which is approximately 200,000 years out of Earth's 4.5 billion-year history. This indicates that humans are a relatively recent addition to the planet.

Do solar panels produce radiation which then harms humans?

A solar panel collects energy from sunlight, just like windmills convert wind energy. The mechanics inside the solar panel and inside the building let humans use solar energy. There is no more harm to humans from solar energy than there is from using energy produced from the wind.

Why are producers important on an energy pyramid?

All energy is derived from the sun. Sun gives plants energy to undergo photosynthesis so we get crops which we humans can consume and obtain energy from these crops such as corn. From the crops animals such as cattle can consume it and from this we get meat which humans can convert to energy to survive.