Two ways: Convert them to like fractions with a common denominator and order them by their numerators or convert them to decimals, order them, and change them back.
to order fractions you can cross multiply two fractions at a time or you can convert all the fractions into decimals.
Two ways: Convert them to decimals and compare or convert them to equivalent fractions with a common denominator and compare the numerators.
Yes. Convert the fractions to a common denominator, then you can easily compare. Or convert them to decimals - that's easy with a calculator. That also lets you compare easily.
Two ways: convert them to decimals or convert them to similar fractions and compare the numerators.
Option 1: Find a common denominator for the two fractions. It need not be the least common denominator; for example, for two fractions, if you just multiply the two denominators, you get a common denominator. Convert all the fractions to the common denominator. Then you can compare. Option 2: Convert each fraction to decimal, by dividing the numerator by the denominator. Then you can compare the decimals.
Two ways: Convert them to like fractions with a common denominator and order them by their numerators or convert them to decimals, order them, and change them back.
to order fractions you can cross multiply two fractions at a time or you can convert all the fractions into decimals.
Two ways: Convert them to decimals and compare or convert them to equivalent fractions with a common denominator and compare the numerators.
The relationship between fractions and decimals can be seen as follow. Fractions can be represented as ratio of two numbers and on dividing can give a decimal value. And decimal value can be converted into a fraction too.
all you have to do is follow the same algorithm for adding a pair of fractions together. the main step is to find common denominators between the two. to do this, you need to find the least common multiple. another way you could find a common denominator is just by changing them into decimals, and adding them normally like whole numbers with the decimals lined up correctly.
Yes. Convert the fractions to a common denominator, then you can easily compare. Or convert them to decimals - that's easy with a calculator. That also lets you compare easily.
fractions and percents u dumbasses
A two word phrase is "real numbers".
Two ways: If they're unlike fractions, convert them to like fractions with a common denominator and compare numerators. Convert them to decimals by dividing their denominators into their numerators and see which is greater.
Two ways: convert them to decimals or convert them to similar fractions and compare the numerators.
To compare two fractions, convert them to a common denominator.To compare two fractions, convert them to a common denominator.To compare two fractions, convert them to a common denominator.To compare two fractions, convert them to a common denominator.