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Q: What is average time of sleeping?
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Average of sleeping time per lifetime?

1 hour

What does average speed and average time have in common?

Apart from the fact that they are average, nothing. For example, the average time I spend sleeping has nothing to do with any average speed.

How much time does an average human spend sleeping in a lifetime?

I have read that the average person sleeps 25 years in their lifetime.

When is the average sleeping time for people?

Generally eight hours, but some people need ten.

Are koalas always sleeping?

Not at all. Koalas spend, on average, 16 to 20 hours a day sleeping. The rest of the time, they are eating, or moving between trees.

What is the average time sleeping span of a cat?

Cats are long nappers. Sleeping, for cats, is a way to conserve energy. They usually nap for 12 - 16 hours.

How long is a sleeping bag for the average sized man?

The average sleeping bag is 75 inches long. However, different sizes of sleeping bags can be found, depending on what kind of sleeping bag is needed.

When was No Time for Sleeping created?

No Time for Sleeping was created on 2010-12-10.

What fraction of day do you spend sleeping?

The average fraction of the day one spends sleeping is 3/8.

What is better sleeping in a certain time or sleep when ever you are tired?

It is better sleeping at a certain time.

What is the homophones for time when you're sleeping?

The homophones for time when you're sleeping are "thyme" and "thymus".

What is the homophone for time when you're sleeping?

The homophone for "time" when you're sleeping is "thyme."