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Q: What is being intentionally negligent called?
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Make a sentence using negligent?

You have been negligent in your studies. Neglecting things is being negligent. You have been negligent in caring for the class pet, DETENTION!

The operation of a vessel that endangers another person or property but is not done intentionally is defined as what in Washington state?

Negligent Operation

Are there torts that are neither intentional nor negligent?

No, there can't be torts that are not negligent or intentional because then they are not torts. They are called accidents.

What are the comparative and superlative form of negligent?

more negligent, most negligent

When car owner is liable instead of car driver what is this law called?

Negligent Entrustment

When workers intentionally reduce their productivity it is called a .?

When workers intentionally reduce their productivity, it is called a slowdown.

What is it called when a boat operator deliberately puts a person or property at risk?

Negligent Operation. operating a boat in a reckless manner is negligent or grossly negligent operation of a vessel and is against the law. If it interferes with the safe operation of the vessel, and endangers lives and property the Coast Guard may fine the operator with a civil penalty for negligent operation. Grossly negligent operation is a criminal offense and an operator may be fined up to $5,000, or jailed for up to a year, or both.

What is a felony vehicle manslaughter?

Vehicular manslaughter occurs when an individual unintentionally causes the death of another through negligent operation of a motor vehicle.Manslaughter by definition is unintentionally causing the death of another individual through negligent or wanton means. This is different from homicide based on the perpetrator's state of mind - homicide occurs when someone acts to intentionally cause harm to another. Manslaughter occurs as an incident to an act that is illegal or negligent (e.g. driving under the influence, reckless driving) but not an act that is meant to cause harm. Therefore intentionally running someone over is not manslaughter, even though it did occur with a vehicle.

What is it called when you intentionally set a fire to cause damage?

When you intentionally set a fire to cause damage it is called arson.

How do you intentionally get a virus?

By being foolish.

What is the noun form of negligent?

The noun form of the adjective 'negligent' is 'negligence'. Negligence means the quality of being indifferent, careless, disregarding, and paying little or no attention to something. Some antonyms of negilgence are regard, interest, attention.

Give you a sentence using negligent?

The negligent father was taken to court.