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Q: What is bigger negative ten or negative eight?
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Is two or Negative eight bigger?

2 is bigger than -8

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Negative eight plus positive ten?


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Is five over eight bigger than nine over ten?

five over eight is less than nine over ten

Is a positive eight bigger than a negative eight?

Absolutely. I don't know what that other guy was thinking.

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Is five over eight bigger then seven over ten?

7/10 is bigger than 5/8

What shape has ten straight edges?

a decagon has ten staight edges.its like a bigger version of a hexagon(six)or a octagon(eight) (:

Is negative ten bigger than negative forty five?

Yeah -10 is closer to zero which also means it is closer to being positive.

A mother has one child but ten of these were born two of them are bigger than the other eight?

Their fingers!