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2 is bigger than -8

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Q: Is two or Negative eight bigger?
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Related questions

Is positive two bigger or smaller or the same as negative eight?


Is a positive eight bigger than a negative eight?

Absolutely. I don't know what that other guy was thinking.

What is negative eight divided by two and two thirds?

negative 3

What is eight over negative two?

negative four is

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How much bigger is two thirds to eight tenths?

Eight tenths simplified is 4/5ths. When both are converted into percentages, 4/5ths is obviously bigger. Two thirds is not bigger than eight tenths.

Negative eight plus two times four to the second power?

negative eight plus two times four to the second power

What number is bigger a lower negative number or a higher negative number?

The question depends on what lower and higher mean. The number that is the smaller of two when you ignore the negative signs, becomes the bigger of the two when you put negative signs before them.

What is negative six plus negative eight?

six plus negative eight is two

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What is eight multiply by negative two?


What is twenty two and a negative forty eight?

they ARE two numbers