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Q: What is carnal abuse 3 rd degree?
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What is the definition of carnal?

1. relating to the physical and especially sexual appetites 2. worldly or earthly; temporal 3. of or relating to the body or flesh. 1. Relating to somebody's physical needs or appetites, especially as contrasted with spiritual or intellectual qualities (formal) - "music is the only sensual pleasure without vice". 2. Relating to or consisting sensual needs of the body, given to sensual indulgence - "carnal remains". 3. Worldly or earthly; temporal - "a man of secular, rather carnal, leanings". 4. Flesh-devouring; cruel; ravenous; bloody. 5. Being in the natural state - unregenerate; animal instincts; fleshly desire. Words beginning with "carnal": carnalities, carnality, carnallite, carnallites, carnally. Hyphenated usage beginning with "carnal": Carnal-minded, Carnal-mindedness. Synonyms: carnal, fleshly, sensual, animal mean having a relation to the body. carnal may mean only this but more often connotes derogatorily an action or manifestation of a person's lower nature <a slave to carnal desires>. fleshly is less derogatory than carnal <a saint who had experienced fleshly temptations>. sensual may apply to any gratification of a bodily desire or pleasure but commonly implies sexual appetite with absence of the spiritual or intellectual <fleshpots providing sensual delights>. animal stresses the physical as distinguished from the rational nature of a person <led a mindless animal existence>.

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