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The circumference is the distance AROUND a circle. The diameter is the distance ACROSS a circle. The radius is the the distance FROM THE CENTER of the circle (same thing as one-half of the diameter).

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Q: What is circumference and diameter and radius?
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How do you find the diameter and then the circumference if you have the radius?

Diameter = radius * 2 Circumference = pi * diameter.

How do you figure out diameter and circumference?

Circumference is pi times diameter. Diameter is circumference divided by pi. Diameter is twice the radius. Radius is half the diameter.

How can you find the diameter and the radius if the circumference is given?

Diameter = circumference/pi Radius = circumference/2*pi

What is the diameter and radius of the circumference 16.956?

The diameter is (the circumference) divided by (pi) . The radius is 1/2 of the diameter.

How do you calculate the diameter of a circle?

If you know the circumference, the ration of the diameter to the circumference is π, so diameter = circumference/π If you have the radius, diameter = 2 x radius

What are the formulas for finding the circumference diameter and radius?

circumference: Pi(3.14) x radius squared Diameter: radius squared radius: diameter divided by 2

How do know how to make out circumference and diameter if you only know the radius?

If you know the radius, then Diameter = 2 x (radius) Circumference = (pi) x (diameter) or Circumference = 2 x (pi) x (radius)

What is the equation for determining radius of a circle if you have the circumference?

Circumference = Diameter multiplied by Pi Diameter = Circumference divided by pi Radius = Diameter divided by 2.

What is the relationship between radiuscircumferenced and diameter?

Circumference = 2*pi*Radius Diameter = 2*Radius Circumference = pi*Diameter

How do you get circumference when you are given radius?

Circumference is equal to pi x diameter Diameter is equal to 2 times the radius Circumference would be 2 x pi x radius

How to find the radius of a circle with the circumference?

Divide circumference by pi, that gives diameter. Radius is half of diameter

What circumference equals radius 8?

Circumference = (pi) x (diameter) Diameter = 2 x radius