

What is classifying number sets?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What is classifying number sets?
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Equivalent sets are sets with exactly the same number of elements.

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1.18 is a number and number do not contain any sets (of any kind).

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the act of classifying or a system of classifying

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There are many ways of classifying sets. One way is by the size of the set: its cardinality.On this basis a set may beFinite,Countably infinite, orUncountably infinite.

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There are any number of finite sets. Some are: the number of seats on a bus, the number of bees in a hive, and the number grains of rice in a ton of the grain.

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the basis for classifying algae is color

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Integer and natural number are equivalent sets if equivalent show that?

They are not equivalent sets.