A "PUD" being a planned unit development, the common areas would be parking lots, walkways, driveways, courtyards, etc. Essentially they are any portions of the PUD that are devoted to use by all residents.
Two syllables. Pud-dle.
A common area is an area that is not exclusively set aside for any group in particular.
Area having a common drainage is catchment area, whereas area which is uses that water from common drainage area is command area.
A pud is short for "pudding", or an obsolete term for a child's hand.
Read your governing documents to determine the line where your private ownership ends and common ownership ends.If it is common area:Owners (plural) maintain the attic area, this is proper, since it's possible that the attic is common area.Owners (plural) own the attic, it is subject to preventative maintenance, regular inspection and so forth.Owner (singular) maintains the attic area, that individual owner may be encroaching on real estate assets that belong to all the members.If it is private area: Owner (singular) actually owns the attic and it is not common area, the governing documents may require that this owner maintain the attic to some standard.If it is common area, by definition, and is used (maintained) by a single owner, the largest issues have to do with fire hazards, liability, and privilege.
is the walkway on the roof considered a common area
Pud Pud in Weird World was created in 1984.
Pud Pud in Weird World happened in 1984.
There is no such thing as a duffle pud.
well, pud pud isn't a word in English but it is a word in other languages say in one language it means fart It can also be an abbreviation for "pudding," so "pud pud" could be a term of endearment similar to "honey" or "sweetie."
Pud means penis, so if someone called you a pud.. it means you are a penis.
Pud Thurlow was born in 1903.
Pud Thurlow died in 1975.
Pud Brown died in 1996.
Pud Brown was born in 1917.
pud means fart in Punjabi (not Japanese) so a pud sucker would be a fart sucker In English it refers to oral sex with a man, as "pud" means the penis.
Pud Galvin was born on December 25, 1856.