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Q: What is convergence aloft and divergence?
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Are Surface cyclones accompanied by divergence aloft?

Yes, surface cyclones are typically accompanied by divergence aloft in the upper levels of the atmosphere. This divergence allows for rising air and helps to enhance the development and intensification of the surface cyclone.

What is more infinite....divergence or convergence?

Divergence. Convergence means that the series "reaches" a finite value.

Difference between convergence and divergence?

Convergence- When things come together Divergence- When things move apart

What is the antonym of convergence?


When air at the surface diverges airflow above must?

converge to balance the mass flow and vice versa. This divergence or convergence of air flow helps in maintaining atmospheric balance and circulation patterns on a global scale.

Distinguish between cultural convergence and cultural divergence?

cultural convergence is when it is all about what happens in the culture, b ut culture divergence is when the culture has different cultural parts. :)

Opposite of divergence?

The opposite of divergence is convergence, which refers to moving towards a common point or coming together. In terms of vectors or functions, convergence indicates that they are getting closer together or approaching a specific value over time or space.

What three stresses do earth plates go under?

Divergence, convergence, and grinding.

What causes convergence over land and divergence over the ocean?

The cause is friction

What is the difference between cultural divergance and cultural convergence?

With cultural convergence, cultures are coming together. With cultural divergence cultures are kept separate. Celebrating Cinco De Mayo in the United States is an example of cultural convergence. The Day of the Dead Celebration in Mexico is an example of cultural divergence.

Is mid-ocean ridges the result of plate convergence?

Not at all... Mid-ocean ridge is as a result of plate divergence.

Explain How the flow aloft aids the formation of cyclones at the surface?

The flow aloft, specifically the jet stream, provides the necessary dynamics for cyclone development by creating divergence at the surface. Divergence aloft allows air to rise at the surface, which, combined with the Earth's rotation (Coriolis effect), initiates cyclonic circulation. This results in the development of a low-pressure system and the formation of a cyclone.