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Q: What is correlation method used for?
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When is a correlation research method used?

A correlation research method is used to examine the relationship between two variables to see if they are related and how they may change together. It helps to determine if there is a pattern or connection between the variables, but it does not imply causation.

Which one of the following method serve to measure correlation bw two variable?

cofficient of rank correlation

What is descriptive correlation?

a method designed to determine if two or more variables are associated with each other. descriptive method is used to describe the present behaviour or characteristics of a particular population.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of correlation method?

The advantage of the correlational research method is the ability to prove a positive or negative correlation between two subjects . The disadvantage of this is the unclear interpreation of cause and affect. moletsane

Does a correlation tell us anything about cause?

No a correlation method does not prove any kind of cause the only method that will prove Cause and Effect would be a Experiment Lab(hypothesis, Control group, Independent Variable ext...)

Who is the first person introduce the descriptive correlation method?

freya beatrice baranowski

How is the correlation method different from naturalistic observation?

is not limited to real word settings.

Spearman-Brown formula ptherwise called as split half method?

not otherwise....split half method is one way of determining reliability of your test and Spearman-Brown formula is a technique used to re-calculate the correlation of your test when you split your test items into half.... this means that the result of Spearman-Brown provides you the correlation of your test in full length.

Which method is not used to predict earthquakes?

Method not used to predict earthquakes is astrology. Earthquakes are typically predicted using scientific methods such as seismology, GPS monitoring, and studying patterns of seismic activity. Astronomical events do not have a proven correlation with predicting earthquakes.

What graphs can you use to measure correlation?

A scatter graph can be used to establish whether or not there is correlation and to get an approximate idea as to its strength. But no graph will actually measure correlation.

What is correlational method?

Correlation method is to examine relationships between variables.Ex: Findings show that a correlation, between optimism and better psychological adjustment among cancer patients.Ex2: Smoking during pregnancy is correlated, unfortunately, with increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in babies.

What is the difference between correlation coefficient and chi square?

correlation is used when there is metric data and chi square is used when there is categorized data. sayan chakrabortty