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Q: What is cost for kerosene per liter?
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How many kilograms kerosene in one liter?

At 15 degrees Celsius, there are about 0.82 kilograms per liter of kerosene. Conversely, there are about 1.22 liters of kerosene per kilogram.

How much does Kerosene cost per gallon?

$3.50-$4.00 per gallon

How much does Kerosene cost per cubic meter?

Today 23rd of November 2015, Kerosene costs 31720.00 pence per cubic meter.

How many liter atmospheres in a gallon of kerosene?

There are 29.92 liter-atmospheres in a gallon of kerosene.

If gallon of paint costs 20.74 per gallon what is the cost per liter?

If gallon of paint costs $20.74 per gallon its cost per liter is about $5.48

How many liter is in 1metric tonne of kerosene?

One metric tonne of kerosene is equivalent to approximately 1,265 liters.

How much is the kerosene per 1liter?

Usually kerosene is refined such that it contains less than 100 ppm water. When water is added to kerosene it becomes cludy in appearance. To remove water from hydrocarbons, they are passed over molecular sieves which bind the water to sites on the resins but allow hydrocarbons such as kerosene and gasoline to pass unhindered.

If 12000 liters cost 150 how much is it per liter?

It costs 80 per liter.

How much does a liter of gas cost in the us?

About $.76 per liter. about 1.96 per gallon

How much is 15 liter for gas tank?

The cost of filling up a 15-liter gas tank depends on the price of gas per liter. You would multiply the price per liter by 15 to get the total cost. For example, if gas costs $2 per liter, filling a 15-liter tank would cost $30.

If a gallon of gasoline cost 1.25 how much would a liter cost?

$1.25 per US gallon equates to about 33 cents per liter.

If gas costs 2.50 per gallon what should a liter of gas cost?

At $2.50 per US gallon, a liter will cost about 66 cents.