

What is counter sample?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: What is counter sample?
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What is Quebec colony counter?

A Quebec colony counter is a device that is used to count the number of bacteria colonies in a sample.

Can you get a hair drug test over the counter?

Yup. You cut a sample of the person's hair, put it in a sample pouch and send it to a lab.

Name 2 things you could do to a sample of radioactive material to reduce the counting rate on a geiger counter?

You could increase the distance between the sample and the geiger counter or shield the sample with a material that absorbs radiation, such as lead.

What did Hans giger invent?

The Geiger counter was originally invented by Hans Geiger. The Geiger counter is a device that measures the relative radioactivity of a sample.

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Julia pours three samples of water she leaves one sample on the counter top another in the freezer and leaves one sample outside in the sun the next day each sample of water is most likely to have the same (A)temperature (B) state of matter (C) boiling point

What is beta counter?

In the beta-counter or liquid scintillation counter, the sample is dissolved in an organic scintillation solution. Due to the resulting 100% counting geometry and the absence of any detector window, this means that the counter has excellent properties in detecting radionuclides of low activity emitting low energy beta-particles, such as H3 and C14. The light photons from the sample are collected by two photomultipliers in coincidence. This arrangement will reduce the background due to thermal noise and only true scintillation events will be analysed and counted. The main problem in liquid scintillation counting is the varying counting efficiency due to quenching of scintillation events. This process is caused by chemical contamination of the sample and/or a coloured sample. This means that the counting efficiency has to be determined for every sample. Therefore a quality control of the instrument must include a control of the correction methods. Otherwise the QC methods will be the same as for any scintillation counter. The sources needed for QC of a liquid scintillation counter include calibrated sources of H3 and C14 with different counting efficiencies as well as a background sample.

Is an over-the-counter drug test as accurate as a laborator drug test?

No, a lab test can devoldge a percentage of concentration in a sample, and an over the counter only presents whether a substance is present or not. But they do that pretty well!!!

Programme to write positive numbers until the user enters no and then sum the numbers divisible by 4 that lie between the range of 10 and 50 and finally display the count and the average value?

ALGORITHM SAMPLE i = 0 REPEAT OUTPUT ("Enter a number: ") INPUT (number[i]) i ++ UNTIL (number[i] 0) THEN counter++ sum = sum + number[i] END IF END FOR DISPLAY (counter) DISPLAY (sum / counter) END SAMPLE

Could you show me some sample dialog in a paragraph with both dialog and without?

With DialogueThe man walked up the counter."How much do tickets cost," he asked."Five dollars," replied the boy behind the counter.Without DialogueThe man walked up the counter and asked how much the tickets costed. The boy behind the counter gave him the price.

Difference between random sample and convenience sample?

random sample is a big sample and convenience sample is small sample

Can over the counter drugs cause a false positive for adderall?

No. Adderall shows up on a drug test as methamphetamine (essentially no different than if you were doing meth). This is because the product contains amphetamine salts. But because amphetamines are PRESCRIPTION ONLY, you will not find them in any over the counter drugs.

What is the difference between sample and sample size?

a sample is a sample sized piece given... a sample size is the amount given in one sample