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Processing occurring in a single location of facility but data is distributed to various remote location

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Q: What is decentralised data processing mode?
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What is a decentralised information processing system?

it is a computer software

Which factors ere considered when selecting a data processing mode?

When selecting a data processing mode, several factors are typically considered, including the volume of data to be processed, the speed at which the data needs to be processed, the complexity of the processing required, the cost of implementation and maintenance, and the level of security needed for the data. Additionally, factors such as the availability of skilled personnel to maintain and operate the chosen processing mode, the scalability of the mode to accommodate future growth, and compatibility with existing systems and infrastructure are also important considerations. Ultimately, the selection of a data processing mode should align with the specific needs and priorities of the organization.

What are the 2 areas of data processing?

Business data processing and Scientific data processing.

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What are the two areas of data processing?

What is electronic data processing?

The example of electronic data processing is the use of the computer in processing data.

What are the areas of data processing?

1. business data processing 2.scientific data processing ako si jayveelim ang data processing

What is the important of data processing?

The importance of data processing is that it presents data in the desired format. The processing of data will depend on the data that is input in the system.

What ate the different between manual data processing and electronic data processing?

What are the important of electronic data processing and manual data processing? What_are_the_importants_of_electronic_data_processing_and_manual_data_processing

What is mode of data?

the mode of a data set is the number that appears the most in the data. some data sets have no mode.

What are the objectives of data processing?

The objective of data processing is to convert data into knowledge. Data processing can involve sorting, validating, and summarizing data into useful information.

What is meant by Business Data Processing and Scientific Data Processing?

In information processing,a Data Processing System is a system which processes data which has been captured and encoded in a format recognizable by the data processing system or has been created and stored by another unit of an information processing system.

What are the four elements in data processing?

What are the four elements in data processing?