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Lead is more dense than feathers.

It doesn't matter how much you have of either one. A chip of lead is

more dense than a 10-mile convoy of trucks loaded with feathers.

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Q: What is denser a ton of lead or a ton of feathers?
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Which has a greater mass a ton of lead or a ton of feathers?

Something that weighs a ton is equal to other things that weigh a ton, therefore a ton of anything is equal to a ton of anything else. Even if it's feathers versus lead or cotton versus cement.

Which is denser lead or feathers?

Lead is denser than feathers. Lead is a heavy metal with a high density, while feathers are lightweight and have a low density due to the air trapped within them.

How many pounds in a ton of lead?

There are 2000 pounds in a ton (US) or 2240 pounds in a ton (UK). It does not matter if it is lead, gold, paper, or feathers - a ton is a ton.

Has anyone ever weighed a ton of feathers?

Yes, a ton is a measure of weight, so weighing a ton of feathers is the same as weighing a ton of any other substance. Feathers are very lightweight, so a ton of feathers would take up a lot of space but would not be as dense or heavy as a ton of a denser material like metal or rock.

Light as a feather?

think we're talking perception here... eg which is the heaviest - a ton of feathers or a ton of lead ??....

Why would 1 kg of lead be less awkward to carry around that 1 kg of feathers?

Lead is denser than feathers, therefore it would be smaller for the same weight. (feathers may be safer in the long run due to health effects ;) )

Which is more a ton or a cubic yard?

depends on the material you are measuring, a cubic yard of feathers may not weigh a ton, but a cubic yard of lead would.

Is a ton of feathers more dense than a ton of iron?

No, a ton of feathers and a ton of iron have the same weight because they both weigh a ton. However, the volume occupied by the ton of feathers would be significantly larger than the ton of iron due to the lower density of feathers.

Which is heavier a ton of iron or a ton of feathers?

They are both equal in weight.

What is heaveyist a ton of coal or a ton of feathers?

A ton is a unit of weight, so a ton of coal and a ton of feathers would both weigh the same - one ton.

Which is denser a cup of feathers or a cup of pennies?

Its pennies why because the pennies are more denser because it has more paritcles and the feathers are lighter.

What is the equivalent of 1 metric ton to US gallon?

Can not convert tons to gallons without knowing what it is a ton of... feathers or lead? That's a wrong answer. A ton is a ton irrespective of the commodity. I think you're involving "volume" or cube and over-complicating it. Also, there was a clue in the question. Neither feathers nor lead are generally calculated in US Gallons and it's fair to say the the commodity involved is a liquid