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The balance of probabilities is the standard used in civil cases, and can be made to fit any situation in order to find in favour of one side rather than the other. They do not have to have any proof that what they believe to be the case is the case. They can ignore all evidence to the contrary even when "on the balance of probabilities" the opposite of what they believe to be the case is supported by hard factual evidence! Unfortunately this is used in civil cases that can have serious ramifications for someone's employment and financial retribution.

Beyond reasonable doubt is the standard used in criminal cases, where there is strong evidence to suggest that what the accused has been charged with is most likely to be the case! It is used in criminal cases as there is a chance that if convicted a person may serve a custodial sentence and will have any sentence passed disclosed when applying to work with children or vulnerable adults.

Beyond doubt is not just someone's opinion but is based on sound evidence and looks at all evidence available rather than disgarding evidence that does not fit with the case. This can happen often in "balance of probability" cases. I strongly believe that beyond reasonable doubt should be used for both civil and criminal matters!

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