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Hindu Arabic numerals are very popular numerals. Every country use them they are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ...... and Roman numerals are other numerals they are not so common, They are I, V, X, M, D ......

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Q: What is difference between Hindu Arabic numbers and Roman Numbers?
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What is the difference between Hindu Arabic numbers and Ancient Chinese numbers?

They are 2 different types of numbers, DAH!

What is the difference between Hindu- Arabic and roman number system?

Hindu Arabic is the number we use like 1,2,3,4........ Roman numbers are the numbers Romans were using like I,II,III,IV,V.........Improved Answer:The main difference between Hindu-Arabic numerals and Roman numerals is the absence of a nought figure in the Roman numeral system.

What is xlix in Arabic numbers?

XLIX in Arabic Numerals is 49 and in Arabic Numbers is ٤٩ .

What is the difference between greek numbers and Hindu Arabic?

- The existence of 0. - Greek number is all alphabets, while the Hindu Arabic number is based on 10 different symbols.

What does ''c stand for in numeral numbers?

On Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers ,we get : C in roman numerals is : 100

How Arabic numbers got their shape?

From the numbers in them.

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Arabic numbers ٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩ 0123456789

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Arabic numbers ٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩ 0123456789

What is the orgin of all American numbers?

Arabic numbers

Why do you use Arabic numbers?

We need arabic numbers because they are the ones we use everyday. Such as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

What is the Arabic numbers for 1859?

The Arabic numbers for 1859 are 1859, the Roman numerals for 1859 are MDCCCLIX.

Why do people call numbers Hindu- Arabic numbers?

Because they are common to both the Hindu and Arabic language.