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There's only one thing that's different: the spaces. If you count spaces, it's most likely your answer is wrong.

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Q: What is difference between Ordered pairs and different ordered pairs?
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Different Operations of sets?

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Why are numbers ordered in a certain why?

If they were ordered in a different way for everything, wouldn't it be confusing?

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An amorphous material has a non ordered structure.

What is difference between mean and medium?

a mean is the average the medium is the number in the midle of the ordered numbers

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2 different cars all together in body styles, same running gear available if ordered.

How to indentify an ordered pair?

An ordered pair has to be in parentheses and there has to be a comma in between the numbers (example: (2,6). An ordered pair is for a coordinate graph.

What is a arithmentic sequence mean in math?

It is an ordered set of numbers such that the difference between adjacent numbers is a constant.

Difference between permutation and combination?

the permutation is an specific ordered combination. the combination is not need specific order combination...

What is the past participle of order?

ordered; I ordered a chocolate milkshake. You ordered a chocolate milkshake. He ordered a chocolate milkshake. We ordered a chocolate milkshake. They ordered a chocolate milkshake.

What does drop ship not ordered mean?

There is a slight difference between both phrases. Drop ship means to pay online and the product will be at your door step. Ordered mean you order for some product and you pay after the product reaches you.

What is an arthimetic sequence?

It is an ordered set of numbers in which the difference between any member of the sequence (except the first) and its predecessor is a constant.

Can there be values between ordered pairs?

Yes it can