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Q: What is difference of cubes formula?
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If the difference of two positive numbers is 1 the product of these same two number is also 1 What is the difference of the cubes of these two numbers?

The difference of their cubes is 4.

What are the roots of 1 minus x to the third power?

The roots of 1 - x3 are 1 - x and 1 + x + x2, by application of the difference-of-cubes formula.

How do you factor 64x3-y3?

The difference of cubes has a formula. (4x - y)(16x2 + 4xy + y2)

What is the formula for the sum of two cubes?

The sum of two cubes can be factored as below.a3 + b3 = (a + b)(a2 - ab + b2)

Definition of Sum or difference of two cubes?

That means that you calculate the cubes of two numbers, and then either add or subtract them.

If figure 1 has 3 cubes figure 2 has 10 cubes figure 3 has 29 cubes and figure 4 has 66 cubes how many cubes will figure 10 have?

This is a nth term question. The formula for this is: n³ + 2 So, replace the n with 10: 10³ +2 = 1002

How do you factor x the power of 4 - x?

First, you can take out the common factor "x".For what remains (the factor other than "x"), you can use the formula for the difference of two cubes.

What is the formula for sum of the cubes?

The formula for the sum of a series of cubes is as follows: 13 + 23 + 33 + ... + n3 = [n2*(n+1)2]/4 You may notice that this is the same as the square of the sum 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n.

Would stirring the water in difference speeds make a difference to the ice cubes inside?

Melting is easier.

How do you factor sum or difference of two cubes?

Sum and difference of two cubes is factored this way : a3 + b3 = (a + b)(a2 - ab + b2) a3 - b3 = (a - b)(a2 + ab + b2)

What are the perfect cubes between 1000 and 3000?

There are only two. They are 13^3 = 1331 and 14^3 = 2744.

What is the probability that the difference of the numbers is 6 in two number cubes?

The probability is 0.