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12 ga. has a far more diversified variety of shells (loads) than 20 ga. If you don't want to reload, there are many shell types to choose from. Bigger, hotter, faster 12 ga. loads are best for bigger, tougher or faster birds such as ducks, geese and turkeys. 12 is necessary with buckshot or slugs for deer in some places. 20 ga. is better for smaller birds such as pheasant, grouse, woodcock and snipe. 20 is OK with slugs for deer. Both are used in shooting games like trap, skeet and sporting clays and I use both. 1 ounce of shot pellets is exactly the same quantity from either size shotgun. The gauge refers to the barrel diameters where that is the number of lead balls, fitting into the barrel, which weigh 1 pound (16 ounces).

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