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Q: What is effects of vasodilation on the diameter of an arteriole?
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arteriole vasodilation

What are the distinctive features of an arteriole?

The distinctive features of an arteriole include small diameter and its branching into capillaries.

What is ateriole dilation?

Arteriole dilation is an increase in the diameter of a small artery.

What effect does local heat application have on blood vessel diameter?

Vasodilation or enlargement of the blood vessel

What is the effect of constricted arterioles in the glomerular filtration rate?

Constricted arterioles in the glomerulus can lead to a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) by reducing the amount of blood flow entering the glomerulus. This can result in decreased filtration of waste and reduced urine production.

Is there a difference between vasodilation and vasodilatation?

None.'Vasodilatation' is technically the correct term for increase in diameter of lumen of blood vessels.In fact, there is no such term as 'vasodilation', but it is a very common mistake that people use the term 'vasodilation' instead of 'vasodilatation'.

What the arteriole leads into the glomerulus?

The afferent arteriole leads into the glomerulus, which is a bundle of small blood vessels located within the Bowman's capsule in the kidney. This is where blood is filtered to form urine in the process of urine formation.

Which would have the greater effect on vascular resistance?

Vasoconstriction would have a greater effect on increasing vascular resistance compared to vasodilation. When blood vessels constrict, their diameter decreases, leading to increased resistance to blood flow. Conversely, vasodilation results in an expansion of blood vessel diameter, reducing resistance.

What controls the diameter of the arterioles and what do changes in diameter affect?

The diameter of arterioles is primarily controlled by changes in smooth muscle tone in their walls. Constriction of arterioles leads to increased vascular resistance and higher blood pressure, while dilation results in decreased resistance and lower blood pressure. Changes in arteriolar diameter can affect local blood flow, regulate blood pressure, and influence organ perfusion.

Why is the afferent arteriole larger than than the efferent arteriole?

Lot of fluid is filtered out in the glomeruli. Almost 180 litres of fluid per day is filtered in glomeruli. So to maintain the blood pressure in afferent arterioles, you need to have efferent arterioles with less diameter.

What is the size of the arteriole?

what is the actual size of arteriole

What is the increase of diameter in a blood vessel called?

Vasodilation: Widening of blood vessels resulting from relaxation of the muscular wall of the vessels. What widens is actually the diameter of the interior (the lumen) of the vessel. The opposite of vasoconstriction.