eight ninths as a decimal = 0.888889 8/9: = 8 ÷ 9 = 0.888889 in decimal
eight-ninths into decimal = 0.88888...8/9:= 8 ÷ 9= 0.88888... in decimal
decimal .4 percent 40%
To see if 89% is less than eight ninths, we need to convert eight ninths to a decimal so that the two can be readily compared. We do this by multiplying 8 by 100 and dividing by 9 - 800 ÷ 9 = 88.8888888 (recurring) %. So, if the 89% is exact, then it is not less than eight ninths. Depending on the degree of precision required, 88.8888888% would usually be rounded up to 89% and in that case the two amounts would be considered equal.
It is: 8/9 = 0.8888....recurring 8
eight ninths as a decimal = 0.888889 8/9: = 8 ÷ 9 = 0.888889 in decimal
eight-ninths into decimal = 0.88888...8/9:= 8 ÷ 9= 0.88888... in decimal
decimal .4 percent 40%
0.8 recurring
it is 1.9
two-ninths is written as 2/9: = 2 ÷ 9 = 0.2222 in decimal = 0.2222 x 100% = 22.22% in percent
Expressed as a decimal, 8/9 is equal to 0.8 recurring, or 0.8888...
It is 7.8... (with the underlined digit repeating).
.888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 it keeps on going on and on