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multiplying by 2 and subtracting 90% of half

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Q: What is equivalent to adding 10 percent?
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What is 0.1 converted to a percent equivalent?

0.1 to a percent = 10% 0.1 * 100% = 10%

What is 10 percent equivalent to?

1/10 or .10

What is the equiveleant to 0.1?

The fraction equivalent is 1\10 and the percent equivalent is 10%.

What is the fraction equivalent to 10 percent?

10% = 1/10

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30 percent is equivalent to 0.3 in decimal or 3/10 in fraction

What percent is 10 percent of 16000?

"What percent is 10 percent?" Er, how about 10?. 10% of 16000 on the other hand is 1600. It follows that the original question is equivalent to "What percent is 1600?" 1600 is 160000 percent!

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23 pounds to 10 percent off is equivalent to 20.7.

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You multiply 167 by .10 which is equivalent to 10%.

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