really? is it that hard to figure out? how old are you like 3? go take a grade 4 math class.
You can check by using your estimated number and comparing it with your exact quotient.
The estimated trillion digits of pi are 27 trillion digits. An exact equal value would require an infinite number of digits and cannot be proved to any exact trillions.
bought you get to keep it and borrowed you have to give it back.
An estimated difference is when you can't be bothered to calculate the exact number, so you simplify things a bit. An estimate for 800-something - 400-something would be 400.
clear number and guessing
There is no exact number, but it is estimated that there are billions of mice in the world.
it can help you determine whether toy made an error in calculating an exact sum or difference.
The exact number of victims is not certain but the estimated total is somewhere between 3 and 11.
An exact number cannot be known. It is estimated between 20,000 and 200,000. People dispute these figures. However there are a great many.
The exact number is unknown. It is currently estimated to be between 30,000 and 40,000.
The exact number of female fans they have has not been estimated.
You can check by using your estimated number and comparing it with your exact quotient.