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Q: What is exponential discriminative snowball sampling?
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Advantages of snowball sampling?

Snowball sampling allows for the recruitment of hard-to-reach populations, such as marginalized or hidden communities. It is particularly useful for studying groups where there is no defined sampling frame. Additionally, it can help build trust and rapport with participants as referrals come from within the community.

What is definition of linear snowball sampling?

Linear snowball sampling is when the first responent recruits one more person for the survey, who in turn recruits one more person for the survey. Number of people surveyed will increase in a linear manner.Read more: What_is_linear_snowball_sampling

What is the meant by snowball sampling cluster sampling?

Snowball sampling is often used when interviewing. Instead randomly asking people about a particular topic, you would interview initially a person thought to be knowledgable about a subject and then ask them to identify additional people who could serve as usefull interviewees. You then interview those people and ask them to suggest even more people. Thus, your pool of interviewees increases over time, something akin to making a big snowball where it slowly groes as you add more snow.

Advantages and disadvantages of snowball sampling?

Snowball sampling involves getting participants to refer others who could also take part. An advantage is that it allows you to recruit deviant groups such as drug users more easily. A disadvantage is that it may not always result in a representative sample.

Should you use snowball sampling you are trying to build up a demographic profile of the environmentally friendly consumer or should you use online surveys not all ages will be reached that way though?

When building up a demographic profile of the environmentally friendly consumer, you should use snowball sampling to ensure that all ages is represented.

What are the different non-probability sampling techniques?

The related web sites give a good idea of the types of non-random sampling. These include snowball, convenience, quota, self-selection, diversity, expert, and others. Non-randon sampling is usually done because it is less expensive, easier, and quicker than random sampling.

What is the purpose of snowball sampling?

Snowball sampling can be used in a number of circumstances. Sometimes the researcher may be able to identify only a small number of individuals in the target group but these people are likely to known others in the target group, and people that they know will also know more such people-and so on. By including those few initial people in her sample, and asking them to recruit others, the researcher may be able to achieve a useable sample size. Then, sometimes, a researcher is actually more interested in the connections between people, or in other words, social networks. In this case, snowball sampling can be used to identify those connections. Please see the link.

College has a student population of 60000 Determine a sample size with confidence level of 95 percent that will show true proportion of population in favor of new system within plus and minus 0.02?

Use snowball sampling!!! The best sampling method there is! Yeah!! WOohOo!!

What’s the difference between a generative and discriminative model?

A generative model will learn categories of data while a discriminative model will simply learn the distinction between different categories of data. Discriminative models will generally outperform generative models on classification tasks.

What is qualitative data sampling?

Qualitative data sampling involves selecting a subset of individuals, cases, or events that represent various perspectives and experiences relevant to the research question. This process helps researchers gather rich and in-depth information to analyze and interpret patterns, themes, and relationships. Sampling strategies in qualitative research may include purposeful sampling, snowball sampling, or random sampling techniques.

What is discriminative response in psychology?

Discriminative response refers to a behavior that is more likely to occur in the presence of a specific stimulus that signals reinforcement. This stimulus serves as a cue that a particular behavior will be followed by a desirable outcome. The discriminative response is a key concept in operant conditioning and can influence the frequency of certain behaviors.

What is the cats name on the simpsons?

The cat's name on The Simpsons is Snowball.