Multiply 7 and 8 by any number (the same number) to get equivalent fractions. If you multiply by one, however, you might be surprised by what you get.
Multiply the numerator (top) by any non-zero number and the denominator (bottom) by the same number. You will have an equivalent fraction.
Five eights plus seven eights is twelve eights. 12/8 is 8/8 and 4/8 is 1 4/8 is 1 1/2 (one and a half)
seventy and four eights
seven and five eights
10/16 or 20/32
50/80, 25/40, 10/16, 491105/785768
10 and five eights divided by 12 and three sevens in fractions = 0.8333333333333334
Multiply the numerator (top) by any non-zero number and the denominator (bottom) by the same number. You will have an equivalent fraction.
Five eights plus seven eights is twelve eights. 12/8 is 8/8 and 4/8 is 1 4/8 is 1 1/2 (one and a half)
seventy and four eights
seven and five eights
No five eights are not equivalent to six ninths.
Ten of them.