1 km is 0,6 mile
The unit conversion is:
(1 mile) x (1.609344 km/mile) = 1.609344 km
The formula is:
Number of km = (1.609344) x (number of miles)
One mile equals 1.609344 kilometres (US = kilometers).
To convert miles to kilometres, multiply the number of miles by 1.60934, or - for a rough equivalent which will serve most purposes - by 1.61.
To convert kilometres to miles (1 kilometre = 0.621371192 miles), multiply by 0.621371192, or more roughly, by 0.62.
The formula to convert miles to km
1 mi*
63360 in
1 mi
2.54 cm
1 in
1 km
100000 cm
1.609344 km
You can use a formula to figure out the conversion from km to miles. The formula is: kilometers x 0.6214 = miles If you want to convert miles to km, the formula is: miles x 1.609 = kilometers 1 mi* 1.609344 km 1 mi = 1.609344 km
You can use a formula to figure out the conversions. From km to miles. The formula is: kilometers x 0.6214 = miles If you want to convert miles to km, the formula is: miles x 1.609 = kilometers
Here it is: miles x 5,280 = feet
You can use either one of these two methods - (1) dividethe kilometres figure by 1.6 OR (2) multiply the kilometres by 5 then divide by 8.
You cannot convert distance to time
The formula to convert miles into kilometers is 1 mile equals 1.6 kilometers, and 1 kilometer equals .6 miles. The converting formula is to multiply the number of units, by converting the number to obtain the new number of units.
You can use a formula to figure out the conversion from km to miles. The formula is: kilometers x 0.6214 = miles If you want to convert miles to km, the formula is: miles x 1.609 = kilometers 1 mi* 1.609344 km 1 mi = 1.609344 km
804.67 kilometers The formula for converting miles to kilometers 500 mi* 1.609344 km 1 mi = 804.672 km
1.5 km is equal to .932 miles. You can use a formula to figure out the conversion from km to miles. The formula is: kilometers x 0.6214 = miles If you want to convert miles to km, the formula is: miles x 1.609 = kilometers
1 km = 0.6214 miles
Multiply km by 3280.84
You can use a formula to figure out the conversion from miles to km. The formula is: miles x 1.609 = kilometers If you want to convert km to miles, the formula is: kilometers x 0.6214 = miles
To get Kilometers from Miles Per Hour multiply by .62 for rough figuring, the actual number is a run on decimal. For other conversions you need to know what you are converting from.
91.732608 Kilometers. The formula for converting miles to km 57 mi* 63360 in 1 mi * 2.54 cm 1 in * 1 km 100000 cm = 91.732608 km
1.1442192 kilometers.the formula is: divide the number of feet by 3280.84 to get the number of kilometers.
1 inch = 0.00001578 miles
Feet divided by 5,280 = miles