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Q: What is formula of rate constant?
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The first order rate constant for tritium can be calculated using the formula: k = 0.693/t1/2, where t1/2 is the half-life of tritium. Substituting t1/2 = 12.3 years into the formula, the first order rate constant for tritium is approximately 0.0565 years^-1.

Difference between rate constant and specific rate constant?

There is no difference between them they are same rate constant is another name of specific rate constant

How can the rate constant be determined from the rate law?

The rate constant is the reaction rate divided by the concentration terms.

How can the rate constant be determine from the rate law?

The rate constant is the reaction rate divided by the concentration terms.

How can rate constant be determined from the rate law?

The rate constant is the reaction rate divided by the concentration terms.

What equation would calculate the rate constant from initial concentration?

The rate constant (k) can be calculated using the equation k = rate of reaction / (concentration of reactant)^n, where n is the order of the reaction with respect to that reactant.

The rate of change of any nonlinear function is constant?

No. Only a linear function has a constant rate of change.No. Only a linear function has a constant rate of change.No. Only a linear function has a constant rate of change.No. Only a linear function has a constant rate of change.

What happens to the rate constant as energy increases?

The rate constant decreases.

What does constant rate mean in math?

It means the same rate. Its going/moving at a constant rate.

What happens to the rate constant as activation energy increase?

The rate constant decreases.