Seventy-eight millionths is 0.000078
Seventy-eight millionths.
one hundred and four millionths, which in fraction is 104/1,000,000 and in decimal is 0.000104
It can be four and eight hundredths and two millionths four point eight zero two
It is 0.008918
Eight millionths = 0.000008
Seventy-eight millionths is 0.000078
Well, honey, to write eight millionths in decimal numbers, you put a "0." in front of the "8". So, it looks like 0.000008. That's all there is to it, darling.
"eighty-two and eight millionths" = 82.000008
four hundred twelve millionths: = 0.000412
Four thousand seven hundred eighteen millionths in decimal form is 4,000.000718
Eight and three hundred four millionths in standard notation is 8.000304
In word form: Nine and eight hundred six thousand, four hundred fifteen millionths.
Seventy-eight millionths.
one hundred and four millionths, which in fraction is 104/1,000,000 and in decimal is 0.000104
The correct answer is: five and four million, eight hundred twenty-three thousand, nine hundred nineteen ten-millionths.