The denominators have to be equal, so multiply the numerator and denominator of the first number by two. This will give you 8/10 - 1/10. Then you just subtract the numerators. So 8/10 - 1/10 = 7/10, or 0.7.
1 tenth
Twenty four fifths is four and four fifths. So if you take three away, that leaves one and four fifths.
3 and 3/5
one tenth times four is 4 tenths, or 2 fifths, or 40 % or 0.4
1 tenth
Minus one tenth.
Four fifths divided by one tenth is 8
one tenth
Fourteen and four fifths.
Twenty four fifths is four and four fifths. So if you take three away, that leaves one and four fifths.
4/5 minus 1/5 = 3/5
To find one tenth less than four fifths, we first need to convert four fifths to tenths. Four fifths is equivalent to 0.8 in decimal form. One tenth less than 0.8 is 0.8 - 0.1 = 0.7. Therefore, one tenth less than four fifths is seven tenths.
I believe the answer is ; one and three fifths. Thanks!
3 and 3/5
It is four fifths